Commented index
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 6 top
HDL 6/1 Peril of the Black Forest show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/175 · C: 1969-10-03 · P: 1970-07 · 14 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Scrooge McDuck; Junior Woodchucks
Old Grouchy
[US] Das Fähnlein Fieselschweif und die Tiere des Black Forest [Bärenforst] ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: John Carey.
HDL 6/2 Life Savers show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/178 · C: 1969-10-10 · P: 1970-07 · 5 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Junior Woodchucks
[US] Die Fieselschweiflinge halten das sinkende Boot einer Filmgesellschaft ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Tony Strobl.
Barks' sketches are probably lost.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 7 top
HDL 7/1 Whale of a Good Deed show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/180 · C: 1970-01-01 · P: 1970-10 · 17 p.
Script/idea only
Donald Duck; Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Scrooge McDuck; Daisy Duck; Junior Woodchucks; Chickadees
Bering; Sandy McCinder; Muddy Dick
[US] Ein Wal ist an der Küste gestrandet. Weil er sich zum Teil auf Dagoberts ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: John Carey.
Barks' script had a length of 14 pages; several panels were blown up by Western.
There is a new 14-page version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Finnish Aku Ankka 33/06 under the code D2005-013.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 8 top
HDL 8/1 Let Sleeping Bones Lie show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/184 · C: 1970-03-16 · P: 1971-01 · 14 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Scrooge McDuck; Junior Woodchucks; Pluto
Philodemus Gentlefogg; Sherman
Die Fieselschweiflinge graben an den Uferhängen des Stadtbachs [Duckburg ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: John Carey.
In Barks' script, the Junior Woodchucks' Official Hound was intended for the part of Pluto.
There is a new version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script (with the Official Hound instead of Pluto). First publication worldwide in Polish Kaczor Donald 43/05 under the code D/D2003-003. First U.S. publication in October 2006 in US 358.
HDL 8/2 Bad Day for Troop "A" show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/188 · C: 1970-01-01 · P: 1971-01 · 6 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Junior Woodchucks
[US] Das Fähnlein Fieselschweif liegt im Wettkampf gegen eine andere Pfadfindergruppe ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Tony Strobl.
Western omitted the 3rd panel of p. 1; the 1st panel of p. 2 was moved to p. 1, the 2nd panel of p. 2 was enlarged.
There is new version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Dutch Donald Duck 7/92 under the code H92002. First U.S. publication in July 1996 in Walt Disney Giant 6.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 9 top
HDL 9/1 Looter of the Lake show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/190 · C: 1970-06-25 · P: 1971-04 · 13 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Scrooge McDuck; Junior Woodchucks
Die Fieselschweiflinge, aufgepulvert durch das Wunderpulver »Kräuterkraft« ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: John Carey (Kay Wright, according to other sources).
Title originally: »Saviors of the Lake«.
There is a new version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Danish Anders And & Co. 4/08 under the code D2006-237.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 10 top
HDL 10/1 Maple Sugar Time (How Sweet It Is!) show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/194 · C: 1970-09-11 · P: 1971-07 · 13 p.
Script/idea only
Donald Duck; Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Scrooge McDuck; Beagle Boys; Junior Woodchucks; Chickadees
[US] Die Fieselschweiflinge brauchen Geld für wohltätige Zwecke. Daher ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Tony Strobl.
The last 2 panels of p. 3 were omitted by Western; the start panel was enlarged, and the last tier of p. 1 and 2, respectively, was moved to the next page.
There is a new version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Dutch Donald Duck 47/94 under the code H94001. First U.S. publication in January 1997 in WDC 607.
HDL 10/2 Bottled Battlers show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/197 · C: 1970-08-21 · P: 1971-07 · 12 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Magica de Spell; Junior Woodchucks
Brainstein; Yalebird
Die Neffen säubern die Straßen von weggeworfenen Flaschen. Dabei finden ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Tony Strobl.
There is a new version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Dutch Donald Duck 11/95 under the code H94141. First U.S. publication in July 2006 in US 355.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 11 top
HDL 11/1 Traitor in the Ranks show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/200 · C: 1970-10-26 · P: 1971-10 · 13 p.
Script/idea only
Donald Duck; Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Junior Woodchucks
Donald paßt es nicht, daß er überall im Haus auf Orden stößt. Er verkleidet ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Tony Strobl.
The 3rd and 6th panels of p. 10 were reduced in size by Western, the last panel of the story was blown up to a half page. This caused a shift in the page starts on p. 11-13.
There is a new version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Dutch Donald Duck 43/92 under the code H92085. First U.S. publication in April 1995 in Donald Duck Adventures 31.
HDL 11/2 Eagle Savers show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/204 · C: 1970-12-03 · P: 1971-10 · 12 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Scrooge McDuck; Junior Woodchucks; Chickadees
Dagobert will auf dem Gipfel des Knust-Kogels [Aerie Crag], dem Nistplatz ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
There is a new version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Dutch Donald Duck 24/01 under the code H99044. First U.S. publication in February 2004 in WDC 641.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 12 top
HDL 12/1 Hound of the Moaning Hills show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/207 · C: 1971-03-03 · P: 1972-01 · 13 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Scrooge McDuck; Junior Woodchucks; Pluto
Dutzende von Menschen, deren Haar vor Angst weiß geworden ist, flüchten ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
There is a new version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script, substituting the Junior Woodchucks' Official Hound for Pluto. First publication worldwide in Norwegian Donald Duck & Co 27/02 and in Swedish Kalle Anka & C:o 27/02 under the code D/D2001-015. First U.S. publication in August 2003 in WDC 635.
HDL 12/2 Storm Dancers show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/210 · C: 1971-02-04 · P: 1972-01 · 12 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Junior Woodchucks
Ajax; Chalkdust
Weil die Neffen keine Lust haben, wieder zur Schule zu gehen, beschließen sie, mit alten Indianer-Regentänzen ein Unwetter heraufzubeschwören - welches sich allerdings zu einem verheerenden Tornado auswächst.
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
There is a new version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Dutch Donald Duck 13/92 under the code H92012. First U.S. publication in June 1995 in Donald Duck Adventures 32.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 13 top
HDL 13/1 The Day the Mountain Shook show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/213 · C: 1971-05-04 · P: 1972-03 · 13 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Scrooge McDuck; Junior Woodchucks; Pluto
Weil die Naffen beim Eierkuchenbacken versehentlich ein falsches Rezept ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
The first two panels of p. 7 were omitted by Western. The start panel was enlarged, and the last tier of p. 1-6, respectively, was moved to the next page.
There is a new version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Dutch Donald Duck 29/92 under the code H92051. First U.S. publication in July 1996 in Walt Disney Giant 6.
HDL 13/2 Gold of the '49ers show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/217 · C: 1971-05-25 · P: 1972-03 · 12 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Junior Woodchucks
Butch; Eider
Die Kasse des Fähnleins Fieselschweif ist nahezu leer. Die Pfadfinder gehen ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
There is a new version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Dutch Donald Duck 25/93 under the code H92107. First U.S. publication in August 1995 in US 293.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 14 top
HDL 14/1 Duckmade Disaster show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/220 · C: 1971-07-30 · P: 1972-05 · 13 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Scrooge McDuck; Junior Woodchucks
Cornelius Coot
Dagobert sieht sich gezwungen, seinen Geldspeicher zu verlegen, als die ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
Barks' script had a length of 12 pages; Western enlarged the 4th panel of p. 2, the 6th panel of p. 3, the 4th panel of p. 4, and the 3rd panel of p. 6 to a half page.
There is a new 12-page version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Dutch Donald Duck 1/92 under the code H92001. First U.S. publication in August 1994 in US 287.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 15 top
HDL 15/1 Wailing Whalers show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/225 · C: 1971-09-30 · P: 1972-07 · 18 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Scrooge McDuck; Junior Woodchucks
Custer; Ratkin; Ratson
[US] Das Fähnlein Fieselschweif fährt mit einem Motorboot aufs Meer hinaus, ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
There is a new version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Dutch Donald Duck 43/99 under the code H98239. First U.S. publication in July 2004 in US 331.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 16 top
HDL 16/1 Where There's Smoke show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/230 · C: 1972-01-03 · P: 1972-09 · 16 p.
Script/idea only
Donald Duck; Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Junior Woodchucks
[US] Die Fieselschweiflinge streifen auf der Suche nach Brandherden durch ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 17 top
HDL 17/1 Be Leery of Lake Eerie show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/234 · C: 1972-01-27 · P: 1972-11 · 16 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Junior Woodchucks
Magnum P. Highpower
[US] Die Fieselschweiflinge wollen in dem extrem verschmutzten Lake Eerie ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
At the request of Western, Barks had to rework the last half page (originally, the lake stayed as dirty as ever). Both versions still exist.
There is a new version with the original ending drawn by Giovan Battista Carpi based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Italian Walt Disney presenta Qui Quo Qua under the title »Sta' in guardia dal Lago di Guarda«.
Also, there is a new version with the original and the altered ending drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Finnish Aku Ankka 34/03 under the code D/D2002-023. First U.S. publication in April 2005 in WDC 655.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 19 top
HDL 19/1 Teahouse of the Waggin' Dragon show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/239 · C: 1972-03-31 · P: 1973-03 · 17 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Scrooge McDuck; Junior Woodchucks
Sing Song Long; Wun Fat Duk
[US] Dagobert wird in seinem Geldspeicher von Reportern belagert. Die Fieselschweiflinge ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
Barks' script had a length of 16 pages. Western stretched the 2nd and 3rd panels of p. 1, the 1st panel of p. 7, and the 5th and 6th panels of p. 9 to fill the whole page width and enlarged the 6th panel of p. 15 to a half page. Furthermore, after the 2nd panel of p. 7 an additional panel was inserted. Working title: »Hard-Earned Reward«.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 20 top
HDL 20/1 New Zoo Brews Ado show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/244 · C: 1972-06-05 · P: 1973-05 · 17 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Junior Woodchucks
George; Tom
[US] Tierschmuggler haben eine Lastwagenladung exotischer Tiere ausgesetzt, ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
There is a new version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Danish Anders And & Co. 3/03 under the code D/D2002-001. First U.S. publication in July 2003 in WDC 634.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 21 top
HDL 21/1 Music Hath Charms show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/248 · C: 1972-09-18 · P: 1973-07 · 16 p.
Script/idea only
Donald Duck; Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Gyro Gearloose; Junior Woodchucks; Chickadees
[US] Die Fieselschweiflinge liefern sich mit den Kohlmeisen einen Wettlauf ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
There is a new version drawn by Mau Heymans based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Dutch Donald Duck 23/96 under the code H92020.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 22 top
HDL 22/1 The Phantom Joker show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/253 · C: 1972-12-09 · P: 1973-09 · 15 p.
Script/idea only
Donald Duck; Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Junior Woodchucks
[US] Die Fieselschweiflinge veranstalten eine Varietévorstellung, um Geld ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
Barks' script had a length of 16 pages; the 5th panel of p. 2, the 5th and 6th panels of p. 5, the 2nd and 3rd panels of p. 12, and the 4th and 5th panels of p. 14 were omitted by Western, the 6th panel of p. 2 was reduced to half page width. Title originally: »High Wire Heroes«.
There is a new 16-page version drawn by Daan Jippes based on Barks' script. First publication worldwide in Dutch Donald Duck 34/02 under the code H98254. First U.S. publication in April 2004 in WDC 643.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 23 top
HDL 23/1 Hark, Hark, the Ark show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/257 · C: 1973-03-09 · P: 1973-11 · 15 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Junior Woodchucks
Butterball; Hogg; Noah
[US] Das Fähnlein Fieselschweif wird beauftragt, die Tierwelt des Mistyvale ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
Huey, Dewey and Louie Junior Woodchucks 25 top
HDL 25/1 Captains Outrageous show I.N.D.U.C.K.S. entry
CBL VI/1/261 · C: 1973-03-30 · P: 1974-03 · 15 p.
Script/idea only
Huey, Dewey, and Louie; Junior Woodchucks
Blimey; Craig; Fox; Mallard; Noah
[US] Die Fieselschweiflinge schenken ihrem Fähnleinführer eine extrem laut ... more
Text and pencil sketches only by Barks; artist: Kay Wright.
The title refers to Rudyard Kipling's novel »Captains Courageous« (1897) or Victor Fleming's film of the same title (1937).

BarksBase by Gerd Syllwasschy · Last update: 7 March 2008
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